Last weekend I went to Kelly Taltons in the car after rug by because I was so good at rugby. When I got there, there were no car parks at Kelly Taltons so we had to find a car park. We had to find one. Before too long we did, so we went into the car park and we hopped out of the car and went to Kelly Talons. We had to go in the door with a picture of a penguin on it.
One of the first things I saw were the penguins swimming underwater.
It was weird because when they swam bubbles came from their tail. I never saw that last time I was there.
you can play playstation. There was a playground.
I saw sting rays being fed and blue maumau fish and a turtle. There was a squid with suckers, on a bored.
When I trend around I saw a shack jaws and after that I went to the sharks. I saw a carpet-shark. it was big I got a big fright so I moved along as I moved along soon I saw a fish getting chas the little fish away and that was not. Very nice so I walked away and we where at the end so we went on a rid around in a little car ting and here we are again at the penguins I saw more bubbles came-ing from their tail's. And around. The corner I saw a penguin with brown little baby penguin it still had it's brown feathers. That still means it is still a baby it is still yan after that we. Went to the sharks agan and then we went home it was a tiyerring day
Farewell Mrs Jenny She
10 years ago
It must of been fun going to Kelly Tarltons.